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What is HamStream?
The first ever platform for live video and audio streaming dedicated to amateur radio operators.
The streaming platform is ideal for individual operators, contest stations, and DXpeditions. In addition to audio and video streaming, you can connect radio CAT data through HamConnect.

Streaming station
Individual operators, contest stations, special event stations and DXpeditions

Audio-video traffic towards the broadcast servers
Broadcast Servers
The broadcast servers distribute the audio-video traffic

Public pages
The live streaming is available for free to viewers on their own personal page within the Hamstream platform, on QRZ.com pages, or on external web pages.

Unlimited worldwide viewers
Viewable through the browser of any device such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs
A web platform built using the most advanced browser technologies. HamStream is compatible with every PC, Mac, tablet and smartphone:





Live streaming
The live streaming console is very easy to use.
The entire streaming system is web-based, so it can be used from any browser, and allows you to set up the video, audio, and rig data source
Here are some examples of how the streaming console works and how video, audio, and rig data sources are set up.

Streaming console before to start
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

Video source setup
You need to select a video source from the dropdown menu, such as a smartphone or webcam on the local network, and then click on 'Start Video'.
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

Audio source setup
You need to select a audio source from the dropdown menu. Usually, you should select the audio source of your radio, enabling streaming of audio in both receive (RX) and transmit (TX) modes.
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

Rig source setup
You can also start receiving data from your radio using HamConnect.
HamConnect is a software to be installed on your PC. It allows you to intercept CAT data from the radio and display in real-time the frequency, mode, PTT, and signal during the streaming. When you have installed and launched Hamconnect on your PC, click 'Connect to HamConnect'.
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

When HamConnect is running, you need to select the radio model, USB/COM source and baud rate. Then click 'Connect Rig'.
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

When the rig source is started, you can see in real-time the frequency, mode, PTT, and signal during the streaming.
It's also possible to hide the frequency and only display the band, for example, during contests.
Activator console

Click the image to zoom

When the sources have been configured, you must click 'Start Stream' to begin sending the stream, which will be visible to the viewers on the pages where the streaming player has been embedded. To end the streaming, just click 'Stop Streaming'. Until you exit the streaming console, the source settings won't be lost."
Activator console

Click the image to zoom
Streaming share
You can share your stream in various ways and channels to boost your views and engage with many more amateur radio friends.
Navigate to the Streaming page and click on the Share tab.

Share the public stream page
Open the page, copy and paste the public page link in your social networks or use the share icons at the bottom of the streaming player.
This type of sharing doesn't share the streaming player itself, but rather shares the link to the public Hamstream page where the streaming can be viewed.

Stream live on QRZ.com page
The Hamstream platform employs technologies that enable embedding the streaming player directly into the QRZ.com page. This allows visitors to the QRZ.com page to view your stream in real time.
To integrate the streaming player into the QRZ.com page, you need to copy and paste this HTML code at the beginning of the 'Add or edit your biography text, fonts, etc.' editor by selecting the HTML code view using the '<> Source' button.

Stream live on external webpages
To display the live stream on external web pages, you need to use the same method as you do for QRZ.com pages, by pasting the HTML code into the desired page's code.
HamStream is a subscription service.
Various plans are available, per day, month and year.
To subscribe to the streaming service, you need to access HamStream with your login or create a new account. In the 'My Balance' section, you must choose the plan you desire, and you can pay immediately with PayPal or credit cards. After completing the payment process, you can start streaming from your radio station right away. The streaming service expires at the end of the purchased period. You can renew your subscription at any time.

Try the streaming, then choose

1 Personal callsign for 10 days


The offer is available at a discounted price only for the first subscription. After the 10 days expire, you can renew the subscription by choosing the period you prefer.

10 days streaming

1 Personal callsign for 10 days


Streaming service for 10 days.

1 month streaming

1 Personal callsign for 1 month


Streaming service for 30 days.

3 months streaming

1 Personal callsign for 3 months


Streaming service for 90 days.

1 year streaming

1 Personal callsign for 1 year


Streaming service for 365 days.

Extra callsigns

1 extra callsign


You can add additional callsigns to your personal account, such as a vanity call, contest call, Dxpedition call, or special event station call. You will choose which one to use from your single personal account before streaming. The purchase of the extra callsign is one-time, with no renewal, regardless of the package you have chosen.
How to Join Us
Are you a single operator?

Register or Login your free personal account
If you already have a HamAward.cloud account, use the same account to log in to Hamstream.com as well.

New registration procedure
For security reasons our registration system is based on the qrz.com database. During the first registration we verify in few seconds that your qrz.com callsign and public email match with the qrz.com database. Please make sure you have set up public email on qrz.com

Are you a Dxpeditioner, Contest station or S.E.S.?

Contact us for more information on how to subscribe to a package suitable for your radio activity.

It's your first time with us?
Nice, we will apply a discount on the prices listed!